Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Re-evaluating my EF Reduction Goals and Strategies! (Post 4)

            After re-evaluating my reduction goals and strategies, I definitely think I have been doing better in following them. I’m not perfect, but I have been more conscious and aware of my choices and actions. I still believe I could do more to reduce my footprint and work harder on fully achieving the goals I had set for myself in the beginning.

            The goals I have set myself are good, but after being in this marketing class longer and learning so much more, I have also become more aware of how much sustainable/organic/etc. products are out there. Initially, I thought it would be hard to find products that are sustainable or it would be too expensive for me to do, but I have come to find it really is not. I have already found that when I am out shopping or at the grocery store, it is easy to substitute little things with organics or sustainable products. For instance, while I was at Fred Meyer, I was going to buy a loaf of bread I normally would purchase, but saw some sort of eco-grain bread, and noticed it was only a little more than the bread I was going to purchase. So I figured, why not? And referring back to the TOMS shoes I purchased last week, I wanted new shoes, and instead of buying a brand I would normally purchase, I went for those because I could get what I want and provide for a child in need.

            So my one new goal that I have already been in the process of is to substitute more of my purchases with ones that are sustainable/organic/eco-friendly/etc. It is something that I believe is achievable for myself since I have already been doing it little by little.

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